
Also I agree the rape joke kind of ruins it. Like, Tyler, the Creator's 24 and already moving on from that.

New Eminem songs are the equivalent of if Van Halen got back together, and instead of having an awesome guitar solo in the middle, they had a very good guitar solo that lasted the whole song.

Oh yeah, guess I was just kind of skimming your first post.

Wow, that's hysterical.

That's true. You're a wise soul, cookie monster.

Hopefully we don't have a True Detective situation on our hands. Where the second season actually makes me like the first one less retroactively (I heard the newest episode is good, haven't seen it yet).

That's my favorite part of the podcast, seeing that besides War & Joshua Tree, I'm pretty "meh" on U2. (Though I think their new album is better than most people give it credit for, and agree with the Scotts that most reviews are really reviewing the iTunes release strategy and not the music.)

I think I've got something in my teeth, could you get it out for me? THAT'S FUCKING TEAMWOOOOOOOORK!

The first episode starts off pretty early with a classic bit:

How….how do you know that?

School of Rock was the first time I ever saw Black (I was too young to really be into Tenacious D or Mr. Show, though I'd seen parts of Shallow Hal) and I immediately fell in love with him. Despite some bad movies, I'd say I'm still a huge fan, especially since he made one of the greatest love songs of all time with

Bonobos' favorite movie, if I'm remembering the correct band member.

Uh, Eminem did say that didn't he? I'm still unabashedly a fan of his, but man can he drop some weak ass bars. "I'll never say the L-word again/L-l-l-l-LESBIAN!"

I heard Duck motherfucking Mouth wouldn't come back.

Boy, let's hope not.

My younger cousin recently asked me who my favorite rapper was, and when I told him Andre 3000, he said, "the Hey Ya guy?" I've never been so disappointed in that kid.

Or I'll be fuhrerious

Does anyone really care about this show? Or can we just talk about how good Jon's last Daily Show was? Especially when Colbert almost made him cry.

To be clear: SM2>>>> SM>>>>>>>>>>>> ASM>> SM3>>>>>>>>ASM2

Who would have guessed this could somehow be worse than the '05 version?