
As I wrote it, I realized what a weird combination that is. It's like saying "as a fan of both Chris Rock & the McRib…"

As a big fan of Tennis & Andy Samberg I've actually been looking forward to this for a while.

Well, the first one.

Oh yeah, John C. Reilly was nominated for an Oscar. Uh, I forget was Jon Hamm ever nominated for an Oscar?

I was under the presumption these quotes had to relate to the article at least a little but… I guess not?

I think it was Family Guy that made the joke that almost all Bob Seger songs sounds like they're describing taking a dump. Which is stupid and juvenile, but also kind of hilarious when you think about it ("Night Moves", "Like a Rock", "Fire Lake", "The Fire Down Below")

Is she going to powder her vagina?!

I feel like I'm the only one who noticed Eminem almost broke a couple of times. He still played along really well. I feel like he has a better sense of humor about himself than would be expected.

To show my youth, this just made me think of the mind workers in Spongebob Squarepants.

He does not enjoy Mad Max: Fury Road does not enjoy life.

The cage is FULL!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Requim For a Dream, Memento, High Fidelty, Pollock.

"Not literally naked, I mean we're passing around an imaginary ball for Christ's sake." Or wait, was that in the premiere?

The lack of a "previously on…" didn't help.

I'm just glad she doesn't have her kid shaving up and against the grain. That shit's just straight up bad advice.


I graduated on June 20th in '08.

What about spending the next 4 and a half minutes selling glasses?

His first 3 were good.

Or have you not heard two mediocre Eminem albums?