
I know if I went through that episode I would never eat another fucking pancake again.

I'm more worried about The Last Man On Earth. I liked the first season enough, but even at 13 episodes it started to feel repetitive. If it gets a full 24 here, I could see that creating a lot more problems than solutions.

You gave a Community reference for this?

Yeah, this wasn't great, but it was nowhere near as bad as Parsons shit fest last year.

Isn't the Eminem song you show to people to remind them how good he was usually "Stan"? Or "Sing For the Moment" actually. And obviously "Lose Yourself" still totally holds up.

Oh, Waldorf!

It was a sort of R-rated family vacation, only Sudeikis was a burnout drug dealer and the family was just a surrogate family. It also wasn't very good.

Speaking of which, reading that review I would expect a higher grade than a B+.

I am especially disappointed by this episode after I saw Ryan Ridley wrote it, who wrote some of my favorite Rick & Morty episodes ("Lawnmower Dog", "Meeseeks and Destroy", "Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind", "Ricksy Business")

So you skipped Prince but watched Carly Rae Jepson? …Aight then.

He said 2 months before Punch Drunk Love.

I don't know if "that's gay" is all that prevalent on YouTube comments anymore. Now it's more idiots trying to talk down to you about how Obama is the worst president ever and giving their (usually out of nowhere) offensive thoughts on Ferguson.

South Park was pretty on the money last season though when it basically said, "yeah we don't get these YouTube celebrities but that doesn't mean we get to judge people who do. Especially since that's how we were treated when we came out."

So apparently aliens exist in the BBT universe.

Oh, wow! Look at this rebel over here!


Yeah, but "BLOW MY LOAD" might be the worst.

Yeah Kanye came through

For me it was "I'm a fucking walking paradox / NO I'M NOT"

The Cell was good? Maybe at the time, but I'm not exactly sure that one's aged so well.