
I can't watch more than 5 minutes of her on Masters of Sex without…having to take a detour.

1. Do you have any hidden talents?
2. Coolest celebrity you've met/know
3. Do they have any hidden talents?
4. Should I kill myself?

As long as I get more Terry Crews on my TV. In fact, this is such great news, I should check out the other news of the dead. Pakistan s- Oh my God, that's the worst thing I've ever heard. Oh. Oh no.

Well if it's help, according to the Grammys Ed fucking Sheeran released one of the best albums of the best year.

Best RnB I've heard since Channel Orange. Blew me away.

He's got some big shoes to fill. Last night alone made me laugh harder than anything else I've seen all week:

Yeah but, especially when it was at it's best, SOA had a couple of musical montages that worked beautifully. Newsroom's never had any.

I like Seth Rogen a lot, as far as superstars go. He seems like a good guy, knows comedy, and his movies are usually funny (though Neighbors was a bit of a bust).

"Who reupholstered your pussy?"


Am I the only one who thinks that with this current season K&P didn't really deserve to be on the year's best shows list. I'd honestly rather see SP on there, seeing that this season's better than it's been in years (unless tonight's finale fucked all that up - I haven't seen it yet.)

Are You Smarter Than an NBC Executive?

So Adult Swim Inspector Gadget?

Bagels full

Well seeing how awesome Trailer Park Boy's and Boondocks were for their first two seasons, I could have guessed it. I'm also expecting a slight drop in quality come season 3, and a substantial drop in quality later on

It takes a lot to make holy water/
Joy and love and looots of slaughter

Although if she did come with a quirky time lord I wouldn't complain.

Yet the fucking troll sketch got in cus "HAHAHAHAHAHA! TWO GUYS KISSING BWAHHAHA!"


"While astethically pleasing I see no real reason for snow"-The Files of Raymond Holt, a.k.a. Ray to Z.