
"I may rape, but at least I don't rap! With the hipping and hopping and bipping and bopping and kids, here's your uncle, a jazz musician!"

In that Kenan Thompson loves doing average impressions of both?

A C+ is one thing, who the fuck is the guy in the community grades who gave this a D+?

Mulaney Reviews: Halloween
Because I was too sick to watch there is no Mulaney review this week, however this can still be a thread for all those who'd like to discuss this week's episode.

How To Cook For Forty Humans.

Oh, those I've watched (and loved). I'm sure there are also plenty of animes I would love as well, I just don't have the time to get into this whole new genre, and a couple of the ones I've seen weren't really my thing.

Don't worry Kang & Kodos will have their revenge, they just broke out their copy of How To Cook Humans

Thanks. I only really recognized Pokemon, seeing that Anime/Friendship Is Magic are two of the only aspects of nerd culture I can't really get into.


This was probably the first Treehouse of Horror I've really enjoyed since the one with the Mad Men/Charlie Brown parodies.

I was thinking more Alanis Morissette, actualy.

That's one of the only episodes I have perfect memory of, along with the one where they get taken hostage.
"We want a hundred thousand dollars!"

If we do see an album go diamond again, it'll be some indie girl who makes a breakup album that gets overplayed to the point of insanity, sweeps the Grammy's, and is followed by infinitely less successful follow up. She'll wait too long to release another album, and when she does it won't have any hits and will debut

This actually looks pretty… Wait a fucking minute, IS THAT KEL? AS IN "WHO LOVES ORANGE SODA? KEL LOVES ORANGE SODA!" KEL?! HOLY SHIT I THOUGHT HE DIED!

Seeing that Apatow's most recent film at the time was Knocked Up, and Smith's was Jersey Girl, can you really blame them?

Or a Judd Apatow fan, seeing that Smith kind of just stole his usual cast for that movie.

Eddie Murphy Dentata! Eddie Murphy Dentata!

Daddy Éclair
The PB&J's
Something To Do With Nuts/The Nutty Professor

Ok, I'm not getting the core concept of that joke.

Buck Cream of Wheat