i need a cool name

I gave it an A, too

I rarely watch TLC, but I did catch "My 600-lb Life", and it was surprisingly good. It's a series of documentaries that started following 4 patients back in 2004, when gastric bypasses were never performed on people that large. The medical aspects were interesting, the complex relationship issues were presented well,

Gus was scary as shit this week - even more than usual - and I actually felt a teeny, tiny bit sorry for Tio Hector.

I think this is the only show I've seen where I love each character for one reason or another, and I have no clue how I want things to end.  I realized during the scene with Gus and Walt in the desert that I'm all about cheering for the drama here.

I think Skylar is gonna come out of it okay, but things won't end so well for Ted…

Did anyone else notice how frequently the image of money was used in this episode? There was Skylar flipping the quarter, Walt smashing the framed dollar and then spending it, Walt paying off the cleaning ladies (both before and after their work), and Mike paying for the diner meals (again, twice?). Probably

…would have smacked Haley for her back-sassery after that first song

I agree, I really didn't find this plotline to be a 'fly in the ointment' at all. Raj usually annoys me, but I was surprised to see that drugged Raj was very sweet. I hope he returns after some his meds are adjusted.

I was thinking that anyone else would have just asked their partner, "Hey, I can't reach my hood…can you help me out?" But it's that freaking whine of Kent's that left me wishing he would get stuck in the crevasse…

Did you not see his sexy and heterosexual pelvis-thrusting last night? How many women must Jacob hit on before people stop doubting his super-straightness? I mean, really…..

Good performances, annoying everything else
Really didn't hear any bad performances tonight, and several that I liked quite a bit. But the annoying stuff…

Illegal U-Turn?
I'm thinking that as soon as Jaime and Cara were U-turned, they should have had to turn around and complete the second task - Do not pass 'Go', do not collect $200, do not U-turn the Globetrotters first. It wouldn't have made a difference for J / C, but would have had a huge impact for everyone else.

I am waiting for someone to fall off of those ridiculous stools. It looked like Karen was too short to even sit on hers.

Outside of the comfort zone sounds just like being inside of it
So, Pia's gonna step outside her comfort zone, and sing - Whitney. Jacob's gonna step out by singing Heart - and like Claire, I was hopeful - then he makes it sound like every song he sings. And Karen's outside-the-zone choice must include Spanish

totally agree…just saw this movie today, and it deserves a solid B+