Butbutbut…what about Viagra/Cialis/Levitra? Is that being marketed to 20-somethings now?
Butbutbut…what about Viagra/Cialis/Levitra? Is that being marketed to 20-somethings now?
Now they know how we feel about Obamacare…
It was solidly mediocre but expensive to make because ABC didn't own it.
If facts didn't support that folks in the 18-49 age range didn't buy the majority of consumer products and services in this country, I would say yes.
Good, go vote with your wallet.
It seems like it was a half-hour that people spent tuned to ABC after watching one show and before another, but was never a true "destination" watch that people altered their schedules for.
They died with William F. Buckley.
There are quite a few things that you don't realize are going on right away when you're introduced to it the first time. Basically, the story is crafted so you realize what's going on when Shadow realizes what's going on.