
I'll never forget going to Greece on a high school trip and grimacing/dying inside as the other group we were with put 300 on in the tour bus and our hosts' faces darkened. This was around 2008 or so. I still want to die thinking of it.

Alexandra Savior's debut album, 'Belladonna of Sadness'. I don't remember how I discovered her music, but once I found out Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys) was producing I had to hear. Her voice is beautiful and her songwriting excellent.

Breaking Bad.

I also read Anna Karenina and it was okay I guess but man, these sword and magic books

I wanted to play The Witcher games but felt compelled to read the novels first. All of them. I've gotten through the first three and am blown away by how much depth is in there, from characterization to emotion to discourse on class, power and racial divides. I didn't expect it but I'm so glad I took time to dive into

Arctic Monkeys' "The View From The Afternoon" or, really, that whole first album. Such a statement. That first song is so, so, so strong. Just jumps right into Helders' now-iconic frenetic drumbeats, twangy, fast-paced guitars and Alex Turner just dropping wise-ass commentaries on the dumb rituals of kids out

I mean, now you have to tell us what book it was.

I don't know if I'm anticipating the new Mass Effect as much as I'm dreading it. Considering they've shown nothing from it less than a year out from release and the dame's director just left (or got fired?) I'm leaning towards dread.

One of the coolest EU moments for me was in Knights of the Old Republic when Canderous tells you about a ship he encountered that was organic and mysterious. It turned out to be a Yuuzhan Vong ship, which was mind-blowing. It connected the extreme past of the pre-Prequels canon to the post-ROTJ canon and made the

Definitely. And it came with a free game (chose Halo 5) and a gift card I used for NHL 16. I feel like I found a loophole in life.

Thanks to an awesome Xbox One bundle, I got Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider. I finished the first one this week so this weekend I'm digging into Rise and getting waist deep in snow, rock climbing, arrow-headshotting and other general raiding of tombs activities. I'm having way more fun with this series than I

The answer is obvious. Michael Scott because I wouldn't be able to get any work done and somehow wouldn't get fired for it.

The Martian is such a treasure trove of hilarious lines that get me every time.

I would like to nominate Anthony Cooper from Lost. The dude conned his son out of a kidney and then THREW HIM OUT OF A SKYSCRAPER WINDOW.

I think it says something that even though my favorite games were featured this year (Mass Effect, Battlefront, Halo, Arkham Knight) I still want to play Horizon Zero Dawn more than any of them. That game looks so gorgeous, so different, so intriguing and so new that I almost want to buy a PS4 instead of an Xbox One.

I was still a toddler when "What's The Story (Morning Glory)?" came out, so I didn't get to experience it fresh when it came out like everyone else. In fact, I only became a major Oasis fan right as they broke up. I'd love to go back and get blown away by Wonderwall, Don't Look Back In Anger and Morning Glory all over

First song that comes to mind for me is Oasis playing "Live Forever" at Wembley in 2000. Mainly because of that damn solo by Noel. It just sings, way more beautifully than the album version, at least for me. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

This might sound weird, but the first scene that comes to mind for me is the whipping scene in 12 Years A Slave. Something about emotionally powerful scenes like that make me wish I was on set for them.

Since they announced their album like two days ago I would like to amend my "Most Anticipated Album" vote to Modest Mouse's Strangers To Ourselves.

Up until the last few months, I'd have to say that Let Me Be Mine by Spoon would have to be my favorite song this year. But then Noel Gallagher released In The Heat Of The Moment, which I honestly think is the best song he's released in years. I'm stoked to hear the whole album in March, even though I hate the name