Bender Bukowski

Prepare to have your'e mind blown:

The climactic scene in Necromantic 2.

Must have been fun for you watching the airship go down halfway through…

I bring this up whenever someone mentions the Bastard Fairies: In a steel cage match between them and The Dresden Dolls, who would win?

I wonder how it is if you fry a whole stalk rather than dicing it first…

Reilly/Justin Bartha saved the first one, and made a valiant effort to salvage the second. The puzzles his character hosts on the DVD extras are a blast too.

Like Trainspotting but w/a heart of gold.

I let a friend play the music folder on my laptop last week in a crowded room and after half an hour or so of Punk and Thrash metal, "Now they'll sleep" starts playing…she immediately hits the skip button, and it moves on to "untitled and unsung".

Aw, cmon man. It's SUMMER, thats like an amnesty period for guys to drink fruity type drinks.

Have you tried Veev Acai liquor? That sounds like it would work out perfectly.

Last Saturday we made tons of Chicken Parmesan at my job and I got to take a lot of it home - the bread crumbs and tomato sauce were some unlabeled generic stuff, which is a shame because it was the best ever and I can never replicate it.

[–]TwaughthammerRules 460 points 2 hours ago

Aw, shucks!

Thank god we live in Obama's America now, and all of that is nothing more than a bad memory.

That's more or less the dynamic I would expect from Ted Bundy and 
David Berkowitz, hypothetically speaking.

Daphne - Onsite testimonials…a military standdown…building 7…

So Wolverine endangered the Marvel universe by showing up in a whole bunch of places that he wasn't supposed to?

13 year old Giles = pure win.

One of many new 52 missteps is making explicit that the Joker knows his identity and refuses use it offensively to it's full potential. That's either an unspoken truth or the endgame, not something that works in a long term narrative.

That's going to be a problem in all the future Marvel films too. The throwaway line in IM3 about how the Avengers strictly deal w/global issues just didn't cut it.