Bender Bukowski

Heh…remember that "Creepy Uncle" line way back in the pilot?

More villains makes for a better movie. This was never even in contention.

SPHINX and the warehouse that housed it have been eliminated, and Gary would seem to be out of a job. But hes in the OSI helicarrier, which tends to lead to either recruitment or death. And Brock doesn't seem inclined to kill him, and actually vouched for him to Gathers earlier in the episode.

I had that w/chicken parm the other day, delicious.

Well, other than the "no women no kids" rule there's little distinction. We saw them force Billy into a potentially lethal situation back in "The invisible hand of fate", and the General casually shot a bystander in the face at a golf course last season.

I turned my Guild hoodie into a cutoff hooded vest, which in practical terms is really only comfortable to wear a few months out of the year.

Yeah. Like when the Rains of Castamere aired two weeks ago I suddenly had an epiphany about how the song is a secret allegory for the whole series pointing out the implicit masochism of violence - it's about the Lannisters pruning their family tree by killing off their own distant relatives after all.

He is heir to the Guild after all. I could see them building toward him arching Hank in S6, and culminating the series that way.

Well, she is one of the like half dozen or so women he's encountered since hitting puberty…

The ship basically WAS Sphinx, according to Gathers. All the Monarch blew up was the warehouse that was housing it.

Well, he was indispensable in defusing the situation back in the premiere.

This is an interesting test - they've said that they would never do any idea thats been put forward by fans, and actually nixed the Dr. Girlfriend pregnancy arc they were considering for S3 because people had already thought of if.

Well, the guy from the Halloween episode said that he developed the technology w/Jonas sr. Brisby said back in S1 that this was common knowledge.

So it seemed, but the way they've built on it since then suggests it's something else prior to their time in state.

I was gonna go to the premiere party last month as Hatred last month, cause I got Army uniforms and a ginger crewcut…all I would have had to do was get a "Hatred" nametag and paint a big "H" on my face when I got there and I would have been good.

Oh, absolutely. Remember when Kim ominously made the decision to be a villainess? You knew that big things were coming!

Unless they retcon "Are you there god? It's me Dean" then the Monarch has no issues w/Jonas sr. whatsoever - he actually admires him.

These are all better than the actual headline.

Poor tyke wound up damaged from it too. I was trying to figure out how he wound up a petty bureaucrat w/such a badass for a father.