
Not Bullock in Vanishing; was Nancy Travis
Just thought I'd jump in and mention it wasn't Sandra Bullock in the American remake of The Vanishing. It was Nancy Travis. Who the frack cares, right?

The Pledge?!?
Someone actually liked that steaming turd?

I would…
so lap at Bette Midler's lady-juices. Mmmmmm. And violate all her orifices too. Although maybe not her ears.

Copyright vs trademark
I think there might be some confusion between copyright, which applies to a specific work that can be manually or mechanically reproduced verbatim, and a trademark, which applies to a character, concept, logo, etc which might appear or be used in original works.

re: Ellis and Ennis
Thanks, DaveG!

Warren Ellis or Garth Ennis
Any major projects from these guys lately? I loved The Authority, Planetary and Preacher. I know they seem to work on lots of one-shots and limited series, but I'm craving the sustained story-telling of a longer regular series.

Hottest woman on earth…
about 10 years ago, around when Mask of Zorro came out. She actually became even more attractive briefly when she became pregnant and her shnoobs swelled to Himalayan proportions. But since then, Douglas seems to have vampiricly sucked all the juicy life out of her. Now she's still objectively

not too shabby
I nominate uuft as official Troll of this article/thread.

"Knights" in White Satin?
Shouldn't that be "Nights"? Unless the Moody Blues did another version for Spamalot of which I'm not aware?

can really only be explained by analogy
Tasha, I can't believe you don't get this. The hand-made scarf analogy gets it — a human has to conceive and design a scarf, but since usually a machine does all the work of "crafting" it, when an artisan's resulting works are beautiful and consistently great, it's no idle boast

Err…or you could affirm piracy

Say yes to piratery
Yup, I download everything I want to watch or hear. It's fast, it's easy, and everyone who makes this stuff isn't struggling to make ends meet, so I don't lose any sleep over it.

say it ain't so
Oh, man! Andy Barker is one of the few laugh out loud comedies out there. "I'm growin' a set of jugs just looking at this thing."

Isn't Punkestra the stuff they use in potato chips that gives you anal leakage?

Arcade Fire…blech
Listened to Arcade Fire's first album all the way through. Very mumbly, very twee, nothing special in there at all. So I guess I won't be invited to sit with the cool kids anytime soon.

Grindhouse DVD will sell like hotcakes
Even if they don't get the kind of box office revenue they wanted, the DVD sales are going to be crazy.

Tina Fey gives me wood
She isn't the type I normally go for, but for some reason, I find her incredibly hot. Maybe it's just the nice rack and the comedy chops, I don't know.

thought experiment for music snobs
Take each album that you feel was unfairly omitted from the Definitive 200 list. Now imagine that everyone in the world has "discovered" that they love that particular work, with all the attendant radio overkill, mainstream media hype, awards wankery and just plain ubiquity that that