
I remember when they blew up in the late-90s, early-00s: it seemingly went from one day googling lyrics to a song and ending up at some band-specific fansite, to googling a song and getting a list of dozens of shitty lyrics sites that all had adware, if not outright viruses. It was astonishing how uniformly shady

I think Astin deals with remembering, and people spend a lot of time trying to remember where they put their keys. He probably picks up whiffs of it from half the people he's around.

I think Astin deals with remembering, and people spend a lot of time trying to remember where they put their keys. He probably picks up whiffs of it from half the people he's around.

That episode is amazing and completely insane. The non-character painter just rampages through the entire episode and leaves everyone spinning in his wake. He's like a crossover character whose home series was too wild to actually exist.

That episode is amazing and completely insane. The non-character painter just rampages through the entire episode and leaves everyone spinning in his wake. He's like a crossover character whose home series was too wild to actually exist.

Upstairs, Downstairs is one of the weirdest shows I've ever experienced. The butler giving an impassioned speech about the nobility of the German people on the eve of the holocaust, the constant lesbian subtext (I still don't know if it was intentional).

Upstairs, Downstairs is one of the weirdest shows I've ever experienced. The butler giving an impassioned speech about the nobility of the German people on the eve of the holocaust, the constant lesbian subtext (I still don't know if it was intentional).

10pm, on Sunday, on Fox, after football season. I have no idea how this ended up where it did.

10pm, on Sunday, on Fox, after football season. I have no idea how this ended up where it did.

Slight grey on stealing her inheritance: if he uses it to build the company back up, he can claim he's "investing" it for her.

Slight grey on stealing her inheritance: if he uses it to build the company back up, he can claim he's "investing" it for her.

They get better before they get worse again. 1 at least had more escapism and less wandering in a forest or being ANGRY ALL THE TIME AND TALKING IN ALL CAPS.

They get better before they get worse again. 1 at least had more escapism and less wandering in a forest or being ANGRY ALL THE TIME AND TALKING IN ALL CAPS.

I loved this pilot after expecting to like it. I showed it to my wife, who likes plenty of great TV and has been sucked in to Breaking Bad while trying to ignore it. She didn't give two shits. I hope the rest of the world gets to see even three episodes.

I loved this pilot after expecting to like it. I showed it to my wife, who likes plenty of great TV and has been sucked in to Breaking Bad while trying to ignore it. She didn't give two shits. I hope the rest of the world gets to see even three episodes.

I loved how half-assed Mean Girl Jenna's catchphrase was. Also, they did a great job of making Jenna look like she did at the various times last year.

I loved how half-assed Mean Girl Jenna's catchphrase was. Also, they did a great job of making Jenna look like she did at the various times last year.

It's the liberal side of the same mistakes that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. Whether you go in for reasons I consider noble (stopping genocide) or ignoble (oil, revenge), it's going to be bloody getting out, and difficult to not leave the entire country in complete anarchy.

It's the liberal side of the same mistakes that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. Whether you go in for reasons I consider noble (stopping genocide) or ignoble (oil, revenge), it's going to be bloody getting out, and difficult to not leave the entire country in complete anarchy.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus what are you talking about with Donna's memory? Her head was going to explode if he didn't. You can argue that what he did was worse than death (I wouldn't agree), but you make it sound like he did it to be mean.