
That's what I don't buy. There's no reason she'd have that kind of sway over them, and it's not fun to see main characters weirdly dominate non-characters. It'd be like if every man on the show were obviously in love with Michelle. You might as well have Ginny order random guys around and have them do her bidding,

That's what I don't buy. There's no reason she'd have that kind of sway over them, and it's not fun to see main characters weirdly dominate non-characters. It'd be like if every man on the show were obviously in love with Michelle. You might as well have Ginny order random guys around and have them do her bidding,

My guess to the Tommy twist, which I still think might have been cooler, was that he was a super boring, happily married guy who Nina hadn't pushed at all, but he was so utterly terrified of her and what he knew she could do to his family that he played along. This is one time where I feel like having a "realistic,"

My guess to the Tommy twist, which I still think might have been cooler, was that he was a super boring, happily married guy who Nina hadn't pushed at all, but he was so utterly terrified of her and what he knew she could do to his family that he played along. This is one time where I feel like having a "realistic,"

Erik, you don't go grocery shopping very often, do you? I don't think they've built a supermarket of any chain without crappy takeout and a coffee place since 2005.

Erik, you don't go grocery shopping very often, do you? I don't think they've built a supermarket of any chain without crappy takeout and a coffee place since 2005.

There's a resistance with no air or anti-air power but continually sets up semi-permanent bases. And they have infinite bullets.

There's a resistance with no air or anti-air power but continually sets up semi-permanent bases. And they have infinite bullets.

More professorial names:
Clancy Longfellow
Edwin Higginbottom
Jasper Frumps

More professorial names:
Clancy Longfellow
Edwin Higginbottom
Jasper Frumps

It was in fact clearly NOT disrupting their ability to watch the show. This is fiction. It cheated a little bit. It's better for it.

It was in fact clearly NOT disrupting their ability to watch the show. This is fiction. It cheated a little bit. It's better for it.

Yeah, which is the war about which Todd misspoke.

Yeah, which is the war about which Todd misspoke.

I'm really curious how her limitation will work. Say on Day 0 she learns/decides to brush her teeth every morning because otherwise her breath smells. So Days 1-30, she does that. On Day 31, does she forget WHY she's been brushing her teeth every morning, but remember doing it? Or does she connect the reasoning with

I'm really curious how her limitation will work. Say on Day 0 she learns/decides to brush her teeth every morning because otherwise her breath smells. So Days 1-30, she does that. On Day 31, does she forget WHY she's been brushing her teeth every morning, but remember doing it? Or does she connect the reasoning with

@avclub-c0f8dbb69a6e71545459f9b88e475c47:disqus are you in Portland, OR? Because I want to buy you several beers.

@avclub-c0f8dbb69a6e71545459f9b88e475c47:disqus are you in Portland, OR? Because I want to buy you several beers.

Badass, that just points out it's unreliable no matter how accurate his statement is. If he lost it exactly when he said, then it would have been right there for the murderer to find. If he was completely mistaken as to when he lost it, there's no reason to harp on the "coincidence" of him losing it on that very night

Badass, that just points out it's unreliable no matter how accurate his statement is. If he lost it exactly when he said, then it would have been right there for the murderer to find. If he was completely mistaken as to when he lost it, there's no reason to harp on the "coincidence" of him losing it on that very night