
This is awful; I just finished watching Twin Peaks for the first time a month and a half ago. I could have waited!

I'm not a genius or I'd be getting into medical school. But people used to honestly think I was, and I feel like that's a pretty common experience these days.

Yeah, but
Yeah, the "show" looks like shit, but the point that stands out to me is the stuff about us all being geniuses in Elementary school. We all were, weren't we? I've gone from skipping 7th grade to failing to get into one of the twenty-two medical schools I've applied to.

Yeah, but
They've still got the Dad and his missing page up their? sleeve.

Better than Fire
This is one of my top-five albums. It's ok if you don't agree.

Thank You
Thank you so much for starting this up, I've been loving this show more every week.

Scott, you're my one true love.

The best House epiphany ever:

I wikipediaed "Brimstone" and didn't find anything conclusive. To what are you referring?

Above comment
My above comment shouldn't be a reply. Sorry.

My comment: Missy Peregrym manages to deliver her lines naturally, but she's not a good enough actress to find any actual chemistry with her love-interest.

Still Like It
I'd watch this cast read the nightly news: Tripp and Nick anchoring, Brian doing sports, Patrick and Karen on the streets, Juliet doing the weather. So I'm still into it.

Didn't I hear
Didn't I hear that the writers were gonna wait til the summer when the other major unions would be ready to strike with them? And by then, wouldn't we have all of this season and half of next season written?

Could you fake the fire with theatre pyrotechnics? Absolutely. So let's just assume that's what she did.

Who doesn't get at least three or four months of puppies at the beginning of a relationship? At least.

Didn't we see Dexter dock his boat right up alongside his apartment complex? I never remember a harbor. I thought the big reveal could be at the end of the season when Deb comes to visit Dexter and looks up and down his coastline, seeing the harbors with the right conditions, and then looking at Dexter's boat

The Only Way
The only way this would be any good is if someone creative really liked the Office and wanted their own shot. I don't want producers thinking more is better.

Anyone who's not enjoying the fuck out of this show is too cool for their own good.

I think the line was "Can I please be done unpacking now," which is even less reasonable.

I have comments
After seeing Ray Wise's awesomeness, and reading in this space about how he was even creepier on Twin Peaks, I finally took the plunge and watched that show. Now I shake whenever he's on screen.