
my apologies then, i'd read your comment to be of the condescending shitass variety. based on your response, i'll assume that wasn't your intent, and drop the condescending shitass schtick. i probably shouldn't have gone there anyway.

primarily, yes. however, read my other comment in this thread - it's explicitly stated that Frey's soldiers were also part of that deal. book readers know that they went home after Robb's wedding, but i still don't think this was mentioned in the show. unless there was a scene in S2 that i missed that mentions it,

um, wrong. completely and utterly wrong.

no way. i'm a huge fan of redheads in general, but Rose Leslie is definitely too skinny for my taste. i mean, not that i'd kick her out of bed or anything. anyway, she has a decent butt for a woman as skinny as she is, but there have been nicer butts just on this show alone, let alone on any white woman ever. (case in

I have a continuity question… when Robb has his revelation that he needs to take Casterly Rock, he says he needs the Frey army. However, if we go back to earlier in the series, Robb already HAS the Frey army, minus a few hundred men to garrison the Twins. We as book readers know that Robb does NOT still have the Frey