
Schwimmer and Pegg
I seem to remember hearing that they are pals. They met when they were both in Band of Brothers and did some other film together last year (which wasn't meant to be very good) as well.

That was fucking weird
Where did all those additional comments between Bruce S. implying my granfather was a child abuser and my reply come from?

No one at any time ever has said I am the prettiest anything in anywhere.

Actually Bruce S.
I'm not too bothered by Opera I like some of it in small doses but don't really have the patience for sitting for ages waiting for the fat lady to sing.

In defence of Crocs
My sister wears Crocs to work as a nurse, apparently the plasticness and holes allow the Shit and piss and vomit and blood to be hosed off very easily.

Ming's daughter.
I can't beleive that only one other person has commented on the incredible hotness of Ornella Muti in this film. Even as a pre-pubescent pup I could never figure out why Flash went for boring old Dale over her.