
My money is on him having to "die" to reboot the healing factor…which is lame

Big Train is also excellent…pure sketch show but simply one of the most consistently funny ones i've ever seen.
so good.

That's Numberwang!

going by his avatar pic, i thought he meant the friend of Lenny…but i think he should take Lenny:
"Hi, i'm Lenny.  This is the Doctor.  I'm Lenny."

In Australia, the cd with that song was released before the episode aired…we all completely lost our shit and sang it for months when we heard it.  Then we saw the episode and freaked everyone else out by singing along.
…this is one of my favourite simpsons memories (of which i have many)

Tikka to ride is better if you watch it without the laugh track (the only time, in anything, I believe this to be true).  The first 3 eps of season 8 work better if you can find the directors cut that makes it a movie with a few extra scenes added back in…Rimmers' salute goes forever and never stops being funny.

Tikka to ride is better if you watch it without the laugh track (the only time, in anything, I believe this to be true).  The first 3 eps of season 8 work better if you can find the directors cut that makes it a movie with a few extra scenes added back in…Rimmers' salute goes forever and never stops being funny.

Host: Richard Ayoade as Dean Learner
music: SPINAL TAP!

Host: Richard Ayoade as Dean Learner
music: SPINAL TAP!

Dental Plan!

Dental Plan!

That's cool for people on netflix…i gots me the dvds and i couldn't be happier.

That's cool for people on netflix…i gots me the dvds and i couldn't be happier.

I love the comic strip.  Pure awesome, especially 'red nose of courage' but 'spaghetti hoops' and 'Mr Jolly lives next door' are classics as well.

I love the comic strip.  Pure awesome, especially 'red nose of courage' but 'spaghetti hoops' and 'Mr Jolly lives next door' are classics as well.

that sounds painful.  Where did you fuse the member?  Why do you share it with the family?  God i need sleep.

that sounds painful.  Where did you fuse the member?  Why do you share it with the family?  God i need sleep.

Blind man with the Rubiks cube: "Is this it?"
Man who wants change: "Nope."

Blind man with the Rubiks cube: "Is this it?"
Man who wants change: "Nope."