Here to Help

Yeah, they referenced them and spoofed their careers. But I was talking about having the Beatles as actual guests.  Ringo, Paul, George and even John didn't have this sort of 22 minute masturbation of their influence and Christ like status, and one could argue they're the closest pop icons who deserve it.  When

What's up with the Simpson's obsession with pop stars recently?  First they do a Kesha opening, then a live action Katy Perry segment now a whole show devoted to Gaga.  The Beatles never even got this sort of treatment.  Do they think this will earn them favour with 12 year old girls?  Or maybe pop culture critics who

What's up with the Simpson's obsession with pop stars recently?  First they do a Kesha opening, then a live action Katy Perry segment now a whole show devoted to Gaga.  The Beatles never even got this sort of treatment.  Do they think this will earn them favour with 12 year old girls?  Or maybe pop culture critics who

I was going to say.  I don't live in the USA, but when I visited in the summer of '09 Poker Face was big, but that was her first and only hit at the time if I remember correctly.  I would venture to say she didn't get big in Asia until at least the end of that year.

I was going to say.  I don't live in the USA, but when I visited in the summer of '09 Poker Face was big, but that was her first and only hit at the time if I remember correctly.  I would venture to say she didn't get big in Asia until at least the end of that year.

Not that it matters much, but there didn't seem to be much description of what went into Trump's decision making.  Clay raised more money, and from what I saw of the clips his party seemed more on point and involved.  His show also seemed more fun (although I realize both were heavily edited).  The ending was like

Not that it matters much, but there didn't seem to be much description of what went into Trump's decision making.  Clay raised more money, and from what I saw of the clips his party seemed more on point and involved.  His show also seemed more fun (although I realize both were heavily edited).  The ending was like

Playing with her real initials:
Agent O'range?

@avclub-588bc7654c8815a85a09b0bc6d82a29f:disqus   I meant to leave a short reply saying I thought the idea was planted in my initial response, but then after I re-read it I realized it looked more like a crazy out of context attempt to argue you.  So I thought I'd clarify.
Thanks for the props on teaching.  I

I'm not replying to you in the sense of disagreeing or arguing, @avclub-588bc7654c8815a85a09b0bc6d82a29f:disqus This just seemed like the best place to put my rant.

No, I'm thinking the idea for painting a mural came from the fact that Debbie has a cousin who paints murals.  It's just such a left-field idea that it had to be planted.  Who would have 48 hours to organize such a complicated event, film a commercial, raise money and sell tickets and suddenly think, "But first, a

The Narcissist?  The Transparent Tramp?  Bat(shitcrazy)woman?

I don't think she even knows what it means.  "I shine brighter than anyone!"  Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh…John Rich didn't mean he could literally see through you.  Actually, that line just proves his point.  And someone needs to tell this dummy that having lots of ideas=/=having great ideas.

I was thinking the same thing regarding the solution to the problem, as well as how awkward that direction must have been.

Yeah, when you're in a competition (the Emmys) against shows that take terrible people, manipulate them, and rewards the most despicable without ever leaving one site, I can see how a show that spans the globe with at the very least interesting scenery and activities will sweep the awards each year.

I think we're missing the bigger picture here, that anyone who volunteers to go on Big Brother is a terrible human being to begin with.

Honest to Allah, I had never heard of Aubrey before this show and neither did anyone I know.  Many of my friends have watched some of the Comedy Central Roasts, so we're aware of Lisa.  I'm actually still unclear of why Aubrey's 'famous'.  She showed her tits to P Diddy?  Is that it?  She's a singer, like the PussyCat

I don't like Lisa and I think she's a bully, but out of everything she's done that was the most normal funny thing she's done on the show.  I mean, who walks into a negotiation saying, "This is exactly what I want, most especially this one!"  And then, "I didn't have a choice because she wouldn't budge!"  Yeah, then

It was also an all male final in the first season with celebrities (Piers Morgan vs that country singer with the cool voice whose name escapes me atm).

Which is BS because both Marlee and John Rich basically dismissed her to Trump.  So, then, what's the point of those interviews?