Here to Help

I don't like Venessa's attitude much either, but maybe it has to do with what she's seen of Rachel on BB.  Truthfully, even after only seeing a few episodes of her on TAR I would spit in her face if I ever met her.  My only hope is that she's sterile.

Yeah, TAR requires, you know, skill and stuff.  I'm sure Rachel does great in situations where being a manipulative bitch who has a ridiculously high opinion of herself pays off.  But as I said, TAR requires you to be a contributing member to society.  I have nothing against some scheming and strategy, but if I wanted

I cannot believe that that's real.  Obviously anyone on a reality show is already a bit vain and over dramatic.  But this is really pre-planned and fake.  With all the other whiners and crazy people I've seen on this show I've usually thought, "Wow, they're really bad under pressure." But with her it's just a role

Yes, I will keep quoting Teti's gold because a) it is Simpsons level quotableness; and b) PR keeps giving me reasons to, hinting that they're in on the joke.

So now we get a peacock on the runway but……………

I don't get it.  I grew up in a household with several older sisters and even more cats.  Throwing a kitty at one another was the only way we communicated until the invention of email.

Name dropping even in the AVC comments section.  I love thee.

Re: The Heathers vs Boogers thing.

I liked when Sharon asked Willam how many shows she's done with that other guest judge and Willam just plays along, "Only one…bitch."  Shows the quick wit of both of them.

If you go over to Tom and Lorenzo's recap there's a pic of the porn star, the one with the cocky grin.  Jesse Santana, apparently.  I mean, I wouldn't know personally.  I'm just…my friend told…haha..I found it on the inter…..Quick, what's that over there?!

You're a troll, right?  Whether or not you agree with the grade, it's a reality show competition getting reviewed on some pop culture site.  I'd hate to see how you reacted to Merisa Tomei's Oscar.

I agree.  The fact is torture usually just gives you the information you want or expect to hear, you know, so you'll stop torturing.  It's the "24" affect that tried to rationalize Bush's use of torture, and audiences seem to believe it now (and even expect it as Zack says).  It doesn't actually get useful

You mean to say the last 10 years of the Simpsons are not as good as the first 8 seasons?  And you have given up watching it?  It is such a delight to have such a fresh take on this series.  I must tell my friends about your perspective, it is simply too revolutionary to ignore.  Hey friends!  Gather!  This man of

I think the hyperventilating breakdown on the mat was caused by a very serious medical condition called "Attention Whoreitis".  Symptoms may include fake crying, whining about being a dumb girl and blaming someone for not supporting you through your disgraceful failure.  They try to quarantine these victims in a house

Boston Rob and Amber are your favourite reality competition couple ever?  I don't know you, and you may find this cowardly of me to state on the internet, but I have no other choice but to think of you as a terrible human being.  I'm sorry.

I don't think it was homophobic.  I think it was homofantastic.

A lot of branding is based on suggesting to people that don't know about something that they should.  It used to be that companies used to have to push their brand for a decade or two for enough people to recognize it and create a following.  Now people just have to go home (or type on their phone) and google the

So we get a parrot on Mondo's model's head but…..

"Mondo is overrated"

I thought it was boring until I saw it on the runway.  Easily one of the only garments in PR history that actually moved me (emotionally.  Lots have moved me off the sofa to another room).  It was incredibly romantic and whimsical.  I could see an artist using it in a video or for a spread in a magazine.  Kenley's was