
Nah man the girl who played Barb in Stranger Things should play Squirrel Girl. Shannon Purser I believe.

I don't think the Jay Garrick of Earth-2 is Henry Allen of Earth-1 because didn't Earth-2 Barry send his parents to Atlantis? This whole thing is confusing. Good episode though. I loved the WestAllen bits and Caitlin actually being smart.

Iris isn't locked in because she never got captured by Zoom before. Jesse and Wally did though. So their dads are extra careful.

I mean, Barry knows Iris is into him for real. They kissed in that one episode and declared their feelings before Barry went back in time. That was before they knew about the future newspaper even.

Actually the Star Wars people let Lupita pick any character she wanted. She chose CGI because she had just finished 12 Years a Slave and felt too raw and exposed from that and preferred not to show her body on screen for a while.

And then we'd get to see the orgy right?

Yes I get to be the first to comment. Does anyone else think that Annalise told Frank to kill Mahoney? Because that's my current theory. Hopefully it gets wrapped up in the first episode like the Rebecca thing did.

Loved this episode. Wish we got more shirtless Nate but I can't complain.

Well for Bonnie it's because Annalise saved her from her rapist dad. And Sam saved Frank from prison probably. But no Sam definitely was the one who asked Frank to murder Lila.

To be honest, the death of Lila was how the whole Murder Club started. If she'd been alive, none of this would have happened.

I don't think he did. That's a fake out for sure. He probably remembers seeing who did it though.

Wow, misogyny much?

Yes Catherine believes she shot Annalise. Because Frank drugged her so she doesn't remember that night at all.

As a Laurel/Wes shipper, let me say this episode was like an A for me. Damn that kiss was hot.