Todd VanDerWolfman

I finally read Battling Boy, which was beautiful. Sycamore's colors are so perfect for that story. My only complaint is that It was such a quick read, but that being said, it's immensely rereadable. I also read a good chunk of Lone Wolf and Cub on a long car ride this past weekend, and it's still just as amazing as I

This had better be on the poster.

Please tell me that Dwayne Johnson is going to play Sgt. The Rock.

It's solar powered. The very flames of Perdition charge his battery!

I'd read a book about Ghost Boater. It could have potential.


It's like Shakespeare! But with lots more punching!

Right? I'm hoping that with all these Netflix shows coming, and the added emphasis on Iron Fist and Shang-Chi, that Luke's book'll be coming in the next wave of Marvel Now.

I've wondered about this too. Marvel must know that not all of these books can survive. As much as I love Iron Fist, She-Hulk, and the like, they've never really been able to bring in the crowds that sustained them for more than a few years.

Hey guys, this isn't super pertinent, but I wasn't sure where else to post it. I'm planning in moving this summer, and as such am looking to liquidate a lot of my DVDs and put the cash towards the move. Does anyone have any advice for the best way to do this? Are any of the online devices that I see commercials for

This looks like an incredible game of Risk.

Does anyone here still read Walking Dead? Because I read this week's issue, and there's one part that really struck me. There's a character who is openly gay, and was in a seemingly happy relationship, but during this latest story arc his boyfriend was killed in battle. And now, in this issue, he's openly flirting

Fair enough. Veitch has a good handle on the character, and obviously picked up a lot from working with Moore on him for so long, but it's not necessarily crucial. I'd recommend checking it out if you happen to come across it, but if you're not sold on it now I wouldn't recommend putting in the work to track the

I really enjoy Pride of Baghdad. I've heard pretty good things about his run on Mystique, but I think otherwise you've basically got it all already covered. You could always watch Lost! Or Under The Dome!

Time traveling Swamp Thing? I'm sold!
And yeah, the Vaughn run is worth it, I'd say. It's a pretty good deal- twelve issues for 20 bucks- and while it's not really about Swamp Thing itself, it's still a cool little oddball Vertigo series. Plus, it's interesting as a look back at Vaughn's early work now and see how his

A lot of trades. mostly. A lot of Swamp Thing at that. I finished up the Veitch trades, which I really enjoyed. It was a really odd place for them to stop collecting it though. I really liked all the callbacks to plot points from Moore's run, though, like the alien looking for her husband's body. I also read the first

Why thank you!

If you like Quad City DJ's, then this is the movie for you!

When I was in high school, I remember finding this soundtrack in the dollar bin at my record store.

I've always wanted to read it, but by the time I was ready to commit I'd heard that they'd stopped reprinting it, so I never got on board. Same thing with Starman. I'm so happy though that the Lansdale Jonah Hex series and Garth Ennis' Unknown Soldier are going back to print/finally being collected in full this year.