Todd VanDerWolfman

Right? All in all though, I am glad that they're finally reprinting this old Vertigo stuff. I've hoping that they'll eventually release Rachel Pollack's Doom Patrol run. I love Morrison's, but just like with his Animal Man I'm fascinated to see how the next writer follows his ending.

Yeah, there are some cool ideas- I like the Native American mysticism angle to his powers- but I just felt like it never really clicked. I'm still not sure how they ended up defeating the big monster at the end. They created a new universe? Did he destroy the regular one and they made this new one, or are there two

I've been sick, so lots of trades for me.

I'm with you. I have a core set of books that I buy issue to issue, (Prophet, Batman, Rachel Rising, Ballistic, and a few others), but that's mostly because I feel like they need my support, especially the smaller press ones. Typically what I've been doing is just buying the first issues of stuff that looks

I did. While I'm not much of a Punisher guy, I did enjoy it surprisingly more than I thought I would. I will say though, as good as it may be, it just made the sting of The Activity being on hiatus that much worse.

Hey Oliver- I got excited when I saw that your letter was the first one printed in the new Ms. Marvel. Congrats, man!

Duhhh lightswitch?

ALSO: If anyone here is unaware of it, I highly recommend In Stock Trades. I bought all this stuff (except the Punisher book, that was an eBay snag) for around 45% off the MSRP. All together it came to around $65 (I think list price was 110?). Plus I got free shipping! And I'm not even a spambot!

Will do. I bought the first Veitch trade a year or so back when I was in New York, but was waiting to get the other two so I could devour it in one fell swoop. And the Vaughn stuff I'm totally in the dark about. I know it's supposedly focused on his daughter and Ol' Swampy appears minimally if all. I'll be interested

See, Frankencastle is what I'm most looking forward too. I'm not a Punisher fan, save Ennis' run (Barracuda stole my heart), so I'm excited for the wackiness.

Ha, I guess I was without even realizing it. I'm mostly curious about Silver Surfer. I love Allred, and it seems like the perfect fit for him (There should be a mandate that Allred should draw all Jack Kirby creations at one point in his career), but I'm not so sure if I can maintain interest in an ongoing Silver

The only things I bought were Prophet and Black Dynamite. Both Ron Wimberly! Both I haven't read yet!

I'm in the same boat. I know the eventually they'll put it together as an omnibus, which I'd much rather have. I've waited my whole life to read it; I can wait a couple more years.

The reason that I really fell in love with Criminal is that it becomes it's own little universe. Seeing stories that are completely separate except for the fact that the bartender (probably my favorite character) appears in multiple tales, for example, is just a really smart way to build a world and establish a

This is unrelated, but I just have to say that I really like your username.

I'm intrigued by All-New Invaders, simply because of the creative team, but I was reading the Point One here at the shop and had to skip over that section. I hoping that because there was so much exposition in that chapter that maybe we can just skip over it all when the book launches. "

If he has any interest in medieval fantasy or adventure, I can't recommend Mouse Guard enough.

Seeing him, Beaker and Animal as the jazz trio playing Jingle Bells was easily the highlight of the show.

Why thank you!
