Todd VanDerWolfman

So, does anyone know what happened with Paul Pope on that Harley Quinn issue? I remember that he was solicited to draw a page, but when I bought it, he was nowhere to be found…

Stay cooooooool!

Dear Lord, it's a demon bird!

Yeah, even though I loved it, I don't think I fully understood everything. Which, in some ways, I like because it gives me a reason to revisit it.

My biggest complaint about Morrison's run is that we didn't get to read him writing Nightcrawler. I was pissed when I looked at the covers on the back and saw Kurt on one, only to be duped into it being one of Sublime's soldiers.

Planetary. End of discussion.

Just in the sense that he helped introduce more mature content and storytelling into mainstream comics. He certainly wasn't the only one, but he was was present and contributing toward that shift in the 80's.

I'm with you. He's one of those guys that I respect because of what he did to push the medium forward, but I really can't stand his art. Admittedly, all I really know of his work is his more recent stuff, and I know I should read American Flagg, but as he stands now, it's just a mess. I even bought the first issue of

I read Afterlife With Archie. Which is still a lot of fun. It didn't quite feel like it was up to the level of the first issue, but maybe that's because I had a sort of precedent this time around.

Man of Steel: Take Back The Knight

I know that this is probably a comment that's been said way too many times already, but can anyone tell me where my alert for notifications is on the new site? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Has it been done away with?

Yeah, I read Shaolin Cowboy last night. Thankfully I had been told ahead of time that it's a silent issue of the Cowboy fighting zombies, so I was able to purposefully slow down while reading and really look at the art. It was fun, but I understand all of the complaints about it. Personally, as long as the last two

Okay cool. And yeah, I know they were extra thick, but five bucks for a comic on a regular basis is just way too much for me and my budget.. If it was going to be the standard I'd just drop it and wait for trades. I can deal with $3.99 though.

Can we just agree that you're right and that digital makes more sense but I'm just too stubborn to change my ways? Maybe when my bookshelves collapse and kill me I'll have a last minute change of heart, but until then I'll keep buying physical copies.

I think so, yeah. It was a nice treat, but as much as I liked that story, I don't think I could keep buying it month after month if that became the norm.

I've thought about it. I know it's a really good deal, but I'm a paper man. Part of that is admittedly working at a comic shop, but I've never been too big on the whole digital comics thing. I like how it, in some ways, makes self-publishing much easier and accessible, but I like having it in my hands. Plus, I think

I'm with you. I know they're cumbersome and some of them are too heavy to read without serious wrist strain but God I love them. Even stuff that I normally wouldn't be interested in owning I find myself looking at the omnibuses (omnibi?) of. But, I'm also planning on moving next year and already have literally

I read Batman #25, which was a lot of fun. This inflated price thing is really starting to get on my nerves though. Last month's was fine, because it was making up for that Villain's Month gap, but I just hope that DC doesn't see that this issue sold well and use it as justification to up prices.

So, bit of an unrelated question, but I figured this was the best place to ask it- I'm thinking about either asking for the first Uncanny X-Men omnibus now that it's back in print for Christmas, because I've always grown up with the X-Men, but in their later incarnations. I've read a lot of the stuff that builds off

Is one of them wrapped in seaweed? With pickled ginger on the side?