
How can you not laugh at Jeff Sessions? He looks how I imagine a leprechaun would look.

I hate how personal politics is now. I don't agree with alot of Michele Obama's politics but she seems like a perfectly decent lady. I even liked her make kids not fat First Lady agenda.

"It's a trap!"

He's pretty terrifying to all those Imperial officers he kills for minor mistakes.


He was the one that brought it up in the interview too! Blows my damn mind.

You're on!

Funny, I believe the complete opposite.



He's from New York. I don't know too many yankees who call it the war of northern aggression.

He arguably did prevent an earlier civil war, but I doubt Trump knows anything about the Nullification Crisis.

I mean… they aren't wrong. Of course the more in depth answer involves the shifting of ideologies in the parties from the 1860s to modern day but Lincoln was a Republican president.

I'm willing to sell the rights.

Yup, Yang Kyoungjong. Pretty remarkable story. There was actually a Korean movie made about the guy a few years back. Unfortunately it's not very good.

I didn't expect an answer. If there are two things I know well, its Korea-related stuff and US military history.

A Sikh Bond would be badass.

As someone else with a bunch of freckles, why?

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I don't believe that bullshit about Obama not being born in America and Truthers make me sick. But please go on, tell me how you know more about intelligence operations and the handling of classified material than I do.