

A guy like you in the Army was the one who got me into MST3K. I think Mitchell was the first one he showed me.

That tends to happen when you fight the whole world. The German Empire actually did quite well in WW1 considering that they had inept allies and had to fight a two front war. It was only the entry of American men and supplies that finally broke the German army.

California Pizza Kitchen is pretty good. I say that as a pizza snob who grew up in the suburbs of NYC too.

Pizza Hut is considered to be a nice restaurant where you would take a date in South Korea. I'll never understand why,

I love the Gorillaz, but this sounds absolutely pointless.

Then they can find another volunteer.

I'm surprised no one tried to gouge them for more money. If I was on that flight I would of said sure, I volunteer. For $5,000 plus the refund of my original ticket.

I'm a pretty big fan of "Spirit in the Sky".

Ehh, I don't know about that. Korea and Vietnam were wars of choice that happened when we had conscription.

It also lessens the divide between military culture and the wider American culture.

I still think that Tammy Duckworth is the candidate the Dems should run.

So he's like me then.

The Moonies of South Korea would also like a word.

There are all Jewish day schools? I grew up in a town in northern NJ that was a good 30-40% Jewish and I've never heard of a Jewish day school.

Good thing Mormons are so nice or they'd get punched in the face far more often.

Yeah, I'm not convinced that Harrison Ford even has a sense of humor.

Really? Everyone hates him now. The lefty Dems hate him, the centrist Dems hate him, the Libertarians hate him, the establishment Republicans hate him, and now that he is authorizing strikes on Assad and pushing out Bannon from his inner circle the alt-right crazies hate him too.

I prefer Taoism.

Same, but I was booing that school up north.