
I like the changes they made in the crew for the show. In the book the space truckers with no real loyalty to each other fall in behind Holden far too easily.

OP said that all Republicans are part of the alt-right and I disagree. I never even said most, but there is a resistance movement amongst the right. Go check out the comments on a conservative blog like RedState or The Right Scoop or National Review and you will find Never Trumpers pushing back against the Trump

I agree with you. I'm conservative and have joined in on Trump protests. It goes both ways though. Conservatives who oppose Trump are far less likely to join in protests when liberals like JeffSmith lump us all in with the alt-right mouthbreathers.

You ask for examples and then dismiss them when I point them out to you? Are they all elected representatives who oppose Trump or not?

There is kind of a split on the right. Those conservatives who hate Trump don't venture to the cesspool of Breitbart or GatewayPundit anymore and are more likely to congregate at sites like RedState or NRO.

McCain? Graham? Rubio? Ben Sasse? Jeff Flake?

Bullshit. There are plenty on the right who reject Trump and his nazi followers. Get out of your liberal bubble.

A morbidly obese southern woman who lives alone with several cats?

"…my own opinion, idiot".

Clean up in aisle crazy!!

I love that Captain Needa line. That's why we need a Vader movie where he just kills dudes, hunts down Jedi, and deals sick burns.

His batshit insanity is gonna lead to global war. I pray that I am wrong.

He just settled the Trump U case out of court and agreed to pay $25 million to the plaintiffs. How long till we can invoke the 25th Amendment?

Yeah, he's just stupid as fuck.

Second most significant.

It is the most significant event in human history.

A couple years ago one of my buddies told me that he had never had sober sex. I felt bad for him.

True, that's the nature of any one party state. They never fell into the grip of a Stalin or a Mao though.

The military is really, really big on tradition. It's only natural that its members skew conservative.

It also sounds slightly different in native Korean.