
Of course. However, 1984 and Animal Farm are pretty blatant rejections of Stalinism.

OP knows what Ingsoc stands for. He's trolling lefties who refuse to see 1984 as the criticism of leftist authoritarianism that it is.

Go away! 'Batin.

Yeah, I have a big problem when those on the right question the patriotism of liberal veterans just because of ideological differences. Chambliss should of just said "look, I don't agree with Senator Cleland's vote on the Chemical Weapons Treaty. It was wrong and makes us less safe." That being said, 2002 Georgia

Ah so you're the first option. It must be exhausting being angry all the time.

That just mean ensign is the new private (or seaman).

I get that, but like I said I don't care either way as long as the new Doctor can pull off the character.

Still an officer.

Must be the replicator food.

Ugh, why do people even have to care? As long as the actor/actress can pull it off I don't care who it is.

I wish I could like this comment more than once. Bravo sir.

So who cleans the latrines on the Enterprise?

Very dry. Would laugh again.

How about a Star Trek focused on an enlisted main character? Why do all the leads have to be captains or XOs?

Dude, the Dems have Tammy Duckworth. A minority female disabled combat veteran? You couldn't design a better candidate in a fucking laboratory.

For some people maybe. My father and grandfather are pretty damn conservative but when my brother told the family that he wanted to transition to a man my father and grandfather accepted him without question.

Alleged racism? Go check out downthread where GhostofEazy-E calls CGI Pinata a racist cracker for having the gall to point out that white people of the LGBT persuasion are oppressed too. It's not systemic though, so lets just sweep it under the rug.

Why? If liberal kids complain about having conservative parents why is it so bad for conservative kids to complain about liberal parents?

George W. Bush would have been remembered as a perfectly average Republican president if he hadn't of taken us to war in Iraq. Everything that is currently happening right now in the Middle East stems from his decision to topple Saddam. And I say this as a conservative.

Yes, but then again all Trump voters are fucking morons.