
Davis I agree should of hung. I disagree with you about Lee. His surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia in 1865 was the only reason the Civil War ended without a significant guerrilla movement. He deserves credit for that.

The only person using racial slurs here is you.

Yeah, I guess that's not the proper use of the word huh? I meant that he authorized funding for the next seven years.

Today the impeached President of the Republic of Korea was arrested for corruption that didn't even personally benefit her. I never thought I would be envious of South Korea's democracy.

Careful. You think the Secret Service can't trace Disqus accounts?

I have a bad feeling that Bannon is just giving Trump shitty advice in the hopes that it will foment an insurrection that he can then use to try and remake the country into his version of America.

Hey man, how else they gonna spend 21 hours in a cramped lunar lander?

Treason is a capital offense. Shouldn't matter the rank of the offender.

What insider reports?

Shit, you mean my historical novel where Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong find love and a deeper understanding of the Quran on the moon has no basis in reality?

It's the comments section we deserve, but not the one we need.

He also refunded NASA for the next 7 years. Credit where it's due and all that.


The new Ghost Recon game is basically the same thing as MGSV but with a bigger map, less crazy Kojima bullshit, and lots more extra-judicial CIA assassinations.

Upvoted for the Khajit genocide. I hunted down and killed all the chem addicts in Fallout:New Vegas. Just cleanin' up the streets!

Trump's entire outlook on life is "make more money for Trump". It pains me that most of the Republicans refuse to see that.

I still think it's kind of creepy that a thousand year old essentially all-knowing alien is trolling around London for early 20s human women.

Sure, but not all sociopaths are murderers.

Rose and Amy both had romantic feelings for the Doctor. I still think the best modern companion is Donna because they were just two buds hanging out in all of space and time.

Ha! Never thought of it that way but you're right.