

Besides being an abhorrent Nazi, Duke is one creepy looking motherfucker.

It might have been sweet potato. Koreans love sweet potato on their pizza. Also, how could you not get into Korean food? It's fucking delicious.

Pizza in Seoul is atrocious. You don't put corn on pizza Koreans!


Yeah, gotta add a "the" in there.

The sailors of those ships managed to take out the flagship of the Martian fleet last season.

It looks like we are going to get to the beginning of Caliban's War by the 5th or 6th episode.

I agree with you. The first half of season 3 was dope. I just think they kinda whiffed on the remainder.

He is a much more interesting character in the show than he was in the first few books.

Way to be a dick for no reason.

That's cool, you are entitled to your opinion. There are things that I like about the latter half of BSG (Gaeta's mutiny and the New Caprica stuff), but revealing half of the main characters as secret Cylons was an incredibly bad call in my opinion. Chief Tyrol, ok maybe. You're reaching but ehh I'll go with the flow.

I think it will be better than BSG. BSG was great at first but there was no endgame other than "find Earth". Moore and Co. just kept pulling stupid shit out of their asses from the third season on and diminished the overall quality of the show. The Expanse has six books and counting worth of good material to adapt and


Yup, they can be quite an arrogant, douchey bunch. The bouncer at my local dive bar is a marine infantry Afghan war vet and he gives me shit every single time I go there because I was an army linguist.

She's not a psycho, she's a marine. Most of the real ones are like that too.

True, and she is a senior NCO so that wouldn't really fly.

A certain amount of bitching and moaning is tolerated and even expected from the junior enlisted.

Japanese porn or GTFO!

We've found a Russian agent.