
Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

I'm still waiting to see him in Soul Plane 2.

Early 2000's rap is still better than a vast majority of the shit that gets pumped out now.

Lol I know, I was just being a smartass.

Right? I thought Nazis were bad guys we could all agree on.

Luke is a bit weird in A New Hope. He bitches and moans to his uncle about wanting to join his friends in the Imperial Navy but when the droids show up he is all "Whoa, you guys know about the Rebellion? That's awesome!".

He said using the internet.

All very good points. As much as I hate the man, I gotta give Trump a little credit. Who could of guessed that a billionaire New Yorker would come to be viewed as the savior of working class Nazis? That takes some serious con-man skills.

Hate to break it to ya, but misinformation and disinformation have been around a lot longer than the internet has.

When did liberals become so close minded? Literally all he is saying is don't treat people as a monolith, no matter what culture or ethnicity they belong to. It's not that radical a concept and one that liberals used to believe.

And those people are stupid assholes.

That shit is heavy. You need breaks every once in awhile.

Except it wasn't an invasion. The BEF had gotten their asses kicked across northern France and had to escape before the German army could capture them all.

I thought he was already on board to play young Lando.

Absolutely agree.

Again, I wouldn't really care. I lived quite a few years in Korea and enjoy the Korean and Japanese film industries. If the story interests me I have no problem watching something that doesn't contain a single person who looks like me.

I get you, I just don't think it takes much work to relate to other people, no matter what they look like.

Obviously I'm aware he is playing a character. However, every interview or whatever I have seen of him he brings the same charm and playfulness he had when he played Finn.

I just don't get it. Are people really unable to identify with a character because they have different skin color? Emotions like anger, love, fear, friendship, etc rise above ethnicity and are present in all human society. I'm not saying the move to diversify casting is a bad thing, but when someone says they can't

As someone who is neither a liberal or a big fan of the concept of safe spaces I love that the left is invoking them in order to call Trumpists big fat crybabies.