
Kelly and Mattis are good picks for their respective organizations and are relatively well liked by both sides. Flynn is a dangerous snake that should be no where near the levers of power. You may be right in your analysis of a Clinton admin's response to the continuing Syrian war, but as someone said below it's all

You know, that is something I just can't wrap my head around. We know that the alt-right (nazis) love Trump and aren't too fond of Jewish people. The same Trump whose obviously favorite child married a Jewish man and converted. The same Jewish man who Trump relies on heavily for advice and who he wants to give a spot

Best to stay away from Breitbart dude.

Someone with the common sense to see that Iraq was going to be a disaster and the stones to back up that argument in the intense atmosphere of post 9/11 America would of been nice. Instead the good people of NY had Hilary Clinton. Also, Obama got a raw deal as far as foreign policy goes. I am by no means a huge fan of

I know it's not a direct parallel. I was just using snark to show that things have a way of spiraling out of control in ways that no one could of intended.

Dude, I in no way think that the Donald is a reasonable peacenik. The man is incredibly dangerous, but to ignore the hawkish history of Hilary Clinton is disingenuous.

If a war occurs between the US and China the inciting incident will most likely be the Chinese military build-up in the South China Sea. They have been constructing artificial islands and building giant military bases on them as a way to cement their control over the resources of the SCS. This has pissed off countries

I'll be honest, if your politics lean heavily liberal then you probably won't like the guy. He is a warrior through and through and makes no apologies for it. That being said, he is also probably one of the most intelligent general officers of his generation. He is also definitely not a "yes-man", which probably

She voted for the Iraq War in the first place as a Senator. Her tenure as Secretary of State coincided with the intervention in Libya and the Obama administration's threats to intervene in the early days of the Syrian civil war. I honestly think Hilary Clinton never saw an international hotspot that couldn't be fixed

At the end of the day I don't think Serbia is important enough to start a war over. Cooler heads will prevail.
-Kaiser Wilhelm II (probably)

I'd be more concerned about it if it was literally anyone else besides Mattis. You aren't going to find anyone alive more beloved by the US military than James Mattis.

With her hawkish foreign policy history I'm not as inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt as you are. Although you are right that we are just playing the "what if" game and it has no bearing on events going forward.

Haha just be glad that you don't have to wait for book six to come out after you finish Nemesis Games.

I love the Foundation books. Such great ideas in short, easily digestible tales that stretch across time.

I just picked up Babylon's Ashes, the newly released sixth book of the Expanse series. I'm itching to get into it after I finish finals. In addition to that, I also picked up Poilu by Louis Barthes.

I'm sure the Emperor had supporters too.

Yeah I saw that plenty during my time in. I had a few commanders who were selected primarily for their good PT scores but who were dumber than a box of rocks. Although most of the enlisted personnel in a unit being smarter than their OIC isn't very rare in the intelligence branch.

Well we definitely never had an alliance with China. More of a mutual understanding. Also, Hilary proposed a no-fly-zone multiple times during the debates. Now you can argue that maybe she would have been talked down by her advisors, but make no mistake: a no-fly-zone imposed over Syria would mean war with Russia. In

I think Trump might be well liked in the dumbass redneck from the midwest demographic that is overrepresented amongst the enlisted, but I would hope the officer corps is smart enough to see through his bullshit. After placating us with Mattis as SECDEF though, who really knows.

And Hilary seemed intent on starting a conflict with Russia. Truly damned if you do and damned if you don't.