
HAHAHAHA! So in other words, if Parker and Stone aren't slavishly devoted to Trump then they aren't worth watching? Go back to your safe space.

Yeah it's a great little bar across the street from Haeundae Beach. Great burgers, imported drafts, and some good Korean microbrews. I basically became a regular.

I actually liked Quarantine. And yes, I have seen REC also.

Because apparently reading subtitles is too fucking hard for the average American.

Ok, I know this is a gimmick account, but I don't understand why people like that episode.

I think the credits scene of that episode with the whale just lying dead on the moon was the hardest I've ever laughed at something.

I prefer Gwangalli Beach. Less crowded and you get the cool view of the bridge.

At least Camacho is cool.

It's a big city to be sure, but I never got the sense of the overwhelming masses of humanity that one gets in a place like Seoul or NYC. What brought you to Busan? Did you hit up the Wolfhound?

RIP Dak… :(

Alec Guinness: Why the fuck did I agree to do this stupid movie again?

That always bugged me. Busan is an incomparably better city than Seoul but Koreans act like Seoul is the end all be all of places in Korea.

You say that as a joke but I used to take the KTX all the time in Korea and the female porters are all gorgeous.

I'd say San Fran is the closest.

It's "boo". "byou" would be spelled 뷰.

I'd say San Francisco is the closest equivalent. Hilly, coastal city with a temperate climate describes Busan well. It's a bit warmer in the summer than San Fran but thats about it.

There is no American equivalent to Busan. It's a wonderful and fun city that you should absolutely check out if you ever get the chance.

Pusan was the old romanticized spelling of the Korean word for 부산 (Busan). The letter ㅂ is pronounced sort of like a non-aspirated "B".

Bad idea in Korea. They'd gang up on him and beat his ass.

Nah, there are no mountains in Miami.