
Ok so you only re-watched a few eps. Maj Burns is still all those things I said he was.

It's been a few years. What's your point?

Hawkeye and Trapper do act like assholes sometimes, not even gonna argue that. However, Major Burns was power hungry, abusive to the enlisted, bigoted, hypocritical, and fucking cowardly. He is the one character in the show or movie who deserves none of your sympathy.

Good movie, but that was about Desert Storm.

Call me when the book burnings start! I love a good bonfire.

You must of never served in the military. I knew officers like Burns when I was in and they were pieces of shit just like he was.

Speed Racer. It's colorful, fun, over-the-top ridiculousness the whole damn movie. It's everything that a movie based on a 1960s Japanese manga should be.

Check your enthusiasm there devil.

I think Barry Lyndon is one of those movies where the protagonist is so unlikable that it affects how one views the rest of the movie.

I like it well enough when I'm in a proper state of mind, but the movie is terrible sober.

What about Ghosts of Mars? That movie is terrible.

I absolutely agree. Half Life 2 is one of my favorite video game stories.

If you strip away the lame super soldier element of it the Halo universe is pretty damn interesting. I love the idea of a humanity desperately fighting for survival against a theocratic alien hegemony.

Uncharted is already a movie. It's called Raiders of the Lost Ark.

While in retrospect the decision looks incredibly foolish, Wehrmacht armored units had sustained incredible casualties at that point in the campaign. Plus, Hitler always did have a soft spot for the British and probably figured that after the spanking the BEF had just received in France that they might just cut their

Oh I agree, but that isn't going to happen unless there is a draft. Maybe not even then.

God forbid that the kids in those poor neighborhoods use the military to better their lives. Listen, I'm pretty critical of the military but a 3-4 year enlistment followed by the GI Bill is the best chance some of those kids are going to get. Not saying its right, but its the truth.


Just gonna leave this right here…

Sounds like a Bond villain's top enforcer.