
No problemo

I'm just about done with Fusiliers, which is about the British 23rd Regiment's experiences during the American Revolution. The Regiment was involved in almost every campaign from the opening battle at Lexington and Concord up to the British capitulation at Yorktown. It is a very interesting look at the British side

That has been quite entertaining to watch.

This. Underestimate him at your own risk.

Cool! Now go away.

Can "China" be an adjective?

I'm not saying he is a genius, I just don't think he is the idiot that the left likes to portray him as. I don't think he believes half of the bullshit that he says, but he knows that it will rile up the bible belt.

I hope he has an Achilles heel. He reminds me of Huey Long, but instead of "fuck the banks" his message is "fuck the Mexicans". As much as the far right complains about Obama's use of executive orders, Trump would be far worse in that regard.

Oh he is absolutely good at that, but its hard not to be when you are a billionaire.

I think Trump is smarter than most people give him credit for. He has clearly been paying attention to our political climate for last few election cycles and thinks he has found the winning formula. He is a textbook example of a demagogue and no matter what he does the people who support him keep on supporting him.

Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!

Good point.

Sounds like a smart man.

ugh, in my opinion they both suck.

Too soon.


I always thought it would be kind of funny if there was a sub-culture of Sith who didn't give a shit about ruling the galaxy, but used their powers to just go out and pick up alien chicks at space bars.


If the Yanks don't win the Series, their fans get salty as fuck. Saw it plenty of times growing up in north Jersey.

Lol idiot