
Trial scene:
Witness: "I've known Fielding Melish for years and he's a warm, wonderful person."
Melish: "Can you read that statement back?"
Stenographer: "I've know Fielding Melish and he's a rotten, dishonest, conniving little rat."

This contribution leaves a foul taste. I won't read it more carefully. My sin. Nonetheless: The comparisons linking Pryor and Chappelle seem facile at best. They are similar because they're both men? Oh no, that's not the hinge of the comparison, of course not. They both walked away because they are black? Blackness

discussion board Dissolves

Once Doug quit breathing she took the shampoo bottle back out of his ass?

Give me back my pet rock(s)

Free throws?

Yes, precisely this. Soon we will learn that all of podcasting is PFT doing characters, that it's entirely his industry, and that he's only been crediting himself for 18% of his output, part of his genius. That's not Maron doing WTF, freunde. And I don't mean this is a good thing. Oversaturation, too much, is what I'm

I am death, destroyer of worlds. Pee on me.

On the editing room floor there's a clip of Cagney jamming the grapefruit in Clarke's face and then exiting the room doing his stiff-legged dance from Yankee Doodle Dandy. They cut it out, thought it was incongruous with the narrative. Might that be funnier if told more efficiently?

Stampeding cattle, through the Vatican.

Laxative commercial voiceover: "Tired of it feeling like an unchewed Dorito coming out? Tired of pink bowl? Everyone should NOT hurt, when they poop."

Bamford's a huge talent. She's funny and an excellent performer. She'd be so even with the mental disposition of a Pee Wee Herman (the character, of course).

"I beg of you Clarice, watch yourself, be on guard. This place is full of vultures, vultures everywhere, everywhere."

Sour Grapes redux, the furbie reenvying.

The rock quarry in Breaking Away.
The wedding scene in Fandango.
Sort of fading youth / transitions to adulthood sites.

Yeah, that song went from interesting and toe-tappy to meh for me pretty quickly. I spent the first half of my life in that area. I always found the line "they just keep on lookin' to the east" both condescending and laughable. Is there a US city in the top 10 population count less likely to "look to the east" than

His third favorite: Tatort, the Schimanski period. 

Well, I've decided to not post the highly mockable statement I'd composed, made up of semiotic terms and sentimentality. But I've spent enough time on this site to post what may amount to a farewell.

Looks like he picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.

The safe word will be "ShamWow."