
100% agree, but you know why they didn't kill Daryl

I do find it hilarious that so many people are taking the the Observer, which is ran by Trump's son-in-law, at its word.

The only thing this episode needed to send it over the top is the many character suicides of Andy Daly

To hold off another forty days just so New Day can break a record and ice Cesaro and Sheamus is stupid. They did the same thing with Nikki Bella as champ when Charlotte was going after the title and Charlotte not beating Nikki before she broke the record took a lot of steam out of her first reign especially since she

But if Sheamus and Cesaro face each other again they will literally kill one another.

The only way they can save this Cesaro and Sheamus team is if they have them as the sole survivor of the Raw SS tag match and have them beat New Day before they break the Demolition streak

Kyle the Spongebob and Patrick line was said by Roman Reigns and it died a absolute death when he said it.

"But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community"

Are you gonna be one of those people who "stop" watching a show yet comment on it every week?

Def. better than the first episode and a pretty good Halloween one at that.

If you knew the depraved shit Christopher Robin was into you wouldn't be joking about this.

I have been in that situation as well, friend.

Diamondback basically spent his whole life hating Luke/Carl to the point of framing him for a crime that would keep him in prison for the rest of his life. So when he finds out from his right hand man that Luke is not only alive but out of prison and living where he is running a criminal empire you expect him to be

Great description of the show

You have to do something wrong to have the entire crowd chant "Don't come back" in PWG, where they usually give everyone a chance despite being a pack of bloodthirsty drunk monsters.

They really need to fix time cues because Rusev and Lana went on forever before Reigns came out, who definitely did not help the segment.

Man this is one of those occasions where I am wondering what everyone else was watching because other than the Rollins/Owens/Jericho segment and the Goldberg segment this Raw was terrible.

They can't use Waller or the Suicide Squad/Task Force X due to DC taking them from Arrow and having them only in the movies

Whoa now. Ellsworth may be a great jobber but he has yet to match up to the patron saints of jobbers: Bill and Randy Mulkey

Sad at the lack of Turk in this