
I hated myself for laughing at it everytime I saw it

Picard, Sisko and Janeway in that order

God bless you for mentioning good old Chip Gardner

I feel so sorry for Gillian Jacobs and HECTOR ELIZONDO

Instead of even having a title match last night and tonight, you can have Steph draft Rollins first and say that she is so confidant that Seth will win the title so she doesn't have to choose Dean

I third your UGH

They can keep the women's division

For a draft that is suppose to help Smackdown in the ratings department, all the rules in the draft scream " forget watching Smackdown, watch Raw", considering they get more picks, the first pick in the draft and the Cruiserweights, which should be on SD considering Daniel Bryan is covering them on the CWC.

I still cannot get through the scene where Lily Tomlin realizes she just fucked over Colin Hanks' character which leads to him losing his shit and her using mace on him and running down the hallway without laughing uproariously.

In the unforgiving world of FFT that is called strategy especially during the early game

Easier (but longer) way to beat Velius in FFT is have Ramza learn Two Swords and have Auto Potion as a reaction.

I lost it when Uncle Sam said he was gonna jack off then blow his brains out because immediately after he said the above he says he's gonna "skeet skeet skeet and then it's bye bye birdie".

Him reading Uncle Sam's suicide note better be on the best of 2016 podcasts.

Just do a 90 minute version of the Drunk History version and I will be happy

How about the time-honored classic of my dad can beat your dad in a fight?

I immediately thought of that Beatrix fight when I saw where the article was going, especially since I am a huge fan of Freya and you want to avenge her people only to realize you are a bug trying to fight giants at that point

The lack of John Henry Eden is why I had to settle for the runner-up: The Boss from SR4 and Keith David

Sad but true

Considering Reverend Wayne is manipulative and the townspeople and specifically the judge of Durnsville are idiots I would not be surprised if Wayne got the marriage legal through the judge and told him Kimmy was in the restroom and that he would speak for her in saying "I do."