
Nay. That ship has sailed.

Your "Ultimate Primer" is missing some doozies
Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere
Cobwebs & Strange
Call Me Lightning
Mary Anne with the Shaky Hand (version w/ the Al Kooper organ solo)
Armenia City in the Sky
Glow Girl
Acid Queen
I'm Free
Summer Time Blues (Woodstock)
Young Man Blues (Leeds)
Let's See Action
Heaven and Hell

Fair question. First few times I saw them were opening for Danzig, Jane's Addiction and Fishbone, all rather punkish bands and everyone I knew who was first into them were hardcore punk/thrash fans. By the late 90s they had fallen in with the jam band scene, kind of a weird evolution, but then Primus were always kind

I graduated two years before Heller. Had the same "damn I missed it" feeling as I got into punk in high school and much of the SST bands that were so important to me were gone or in their death throes by '86/87. And yet some of my favorite punk albums are from the "punk was dead" period. Jesus Lizard's first album,

Read the book in college years before this came out. It's an interesting anthropological study by an actual Harvard ethnobotanist. He does go to Haiti in search of the legendary zombie powder but never finds it, never witnesses a ritual and certainly doesn't get buried alive. It is however a fascinating look at

Agreed. Kind of disappointed that Heller didn't include more of the Calvert stuff. Saying that Quark isn't a place to start is really unfortunate as it's an absolutely first rate album all the way through. PXR5 is great too and Captain Lockheed is for all intents and purposes a Hawkwind album (and is superior to Lucky

1999 Party is also an excellent live album. In spite of the awesome title avoid Bring Me The Head of Yuri Gagarin. Sounds like it was recorded inside a wind tunnel.

Overlooked and so obvious
He was short, spoke with a lisp and his name was Humphrey—-My God people, how could you overlook Bogart? He created the mold for every tough-talking PI that followed. Starred in the greatest romance picture ever without looking like a simpering fool. Even when he played paranoiacs and cowards