
What do you think would be the ideal length for the series? I think it was a good time to end.

Yeah Relevance is mine too

Yeah they might be forgetting that Revenant Star Wars and Hateful Eight still have yet to be released. Its not even the end of the year yet really.

I keep forgetting about Sarah Snook but she was amazing wasn't she

I would put both high

That's cool and all but you're kind of coming across like a dick right now. I don't think this series was as close as Six Lemeure said either, but did you really have to post multiple replies to comments that had nothing to do with the mets? And trash talk everyone else? You should be excited, it's a great time for

Ooh can I still join?

So then the question=is the creator's interpretation ultimate? i think no, you think yes.

Brandon's Shield reviews were not great, but he more than made up for it with his Enlightened and Looking ones

Mohd? That's unexpected. I would have thought scrawler or Cookie Monster but their ratios are lower than I thought

I don't think there are any consistent commenters who even come close

I'll phrase it differently. There are no more shitty cops than there are shitty people from any other profession.

At least we're not getting reviews at 3 or 4 AM, like last year.

I think that that's just who Hannah is. she learned about career/artistic ability from Adam and She can learn all she want about human behavior but she won't change her basic tendencies. She really thought that that was a good time to do it actually because he was about to go on stage.

I saw Hank in the previews and I believe it was new footage. Even if it wasn't I still expect him to come back.

So why do we get music lists and ballots but we won't get TV lists and ballots?

Will there be a spoiler space anytime?

I read it as disgust—disgust at herself for thinking for one second that he really means it, and disgust at him for doing so.

I wish the AV Club would re review the whole series so we could all talk about it again. I also wish we had 100 more episodes.

shut the fuck up. Sorry! Had to say it.