I Shaved My Balls For This

You're welcome… I think

As a big fan of the original, I tried to go in with somewhat of an open mind, but this was really bad. Really, really bad. I really don't understand how anyone who has seen the original could watch this and think anything positive about it. To anyone who hasn't seen the British version, watch it, it's hilarious. To

As a big fan of the original, I tried to go in with somewhat of an open mind, but this was really bad. Really, really bad. I really don't understand how anyone who has seen the original could watch this and think anything positive about it. To anyone who hasn't seen the British version, watch it, it's hilarious. To

That was the other possibility, because there was a noise before he went down there. Either way in his mind Geller was still in the church and very much a threat, so going down there was sloppy one way or another.

Unless I missed it I don't think anyone has brought this up yet. Are we really to believe that Dexter saw Travis knocked out in the church and then decided that Geller escaped through the trap door and somehow managed to put the table back on top of it?