Guy Who Likes Metal

Their new one isn't out for a month.  Is that what you were talking about? 

Pretty punk-heavy this month, which sucks because I need new metal.  Anyone got any recommendations?

UMD said it. Those things aren't at the fore of their music, in my view, the way they are in some other hip-hop. Like it or not, those aren't particularly compelling reasons not to dislike this particular hip-hop group. If those are valid criticisms of this particular hip-hop group, it's because they are so broad

I was bored at work.

My question in response to that: then why say anything at all? If you have to say something, why go into such immense detail to register your dislike for these annoying fucking kids you shared a bus with one time?

And I remind you, Albini called them out on it not to their faces, but months later on HIS OWN INTERNET-FUCKING-MESSAGE BOARD. Is that what passes for calling people out these days?


Get lost, Oates, or you'll find out I'm strictly business soon enough.

I want to hear this line:
"You've gotten terrible fitness reports from every commanding officer you've had since you got out of the Academy!"

I'm giving up.



Still others, myself included, are infallible in their assessment of artistic merit and we say Odd Future is good.

So I fucking clicked more than once. Big deal.




Lemur, I have a feeling you're probably like the rest of us in that you aren't exactly the same person you were as a teenager. I was a vandal and an overall menace. I didn't graduate from high school (not even late; I got my GED). I'm an attorney now. Their being assholes may have a lot to do with what a miserable

Fair enough. I'll cap this off by telling anyone who gets the chance to see Immolation live.

Here are my questions
When is Immolation going to put out another record? Am I alone in thinking "Majesty and Decay" was way too good to have come from a band over 20 years into its existence? Am I the only one who's kind of dying to talk about Immolation?