The Clipperton Brigade

Bernard in the holding pen: 'I can't wait to go to jail.'

Don't Thank Me Yet lied to us. The song's by Kid Congo and is called 'Funky Fly'.

That record's not as good as their first EP.

Which of their albums has that song?

End Credits Song
Anyone know what song that was playing over the end credits? Thanks in advance for any info.

Superchunk is also associated with Merge Records and their drummer is said to know Ronald Thomas Clontle well.

Superchunk Rock and Rule
Great to hear that the 'Chunk was on their game in Vegas. I was lucky enough to see them in Philadelphia a week or so ago, and they absolutely killed. I've seen them a dozen times over the years and never been disappointed.

Baltar IV…

Not only is Jim Wilbur underrated as a guitar player,
he is also in the top ten all time of 'Funniest Between Song Banterers in IndieRock'
and has played the same guitar featuring a dinosaur sticker for what seems like twenty years.

I like your theory about limiting current directors to certain movie tools, though I think Mann has shown poise with both film and DV.

'existing', rather

To JG and Donald:

Steady Resnais
'Last Year at Marienbad' is one of my favorite movies and every time I watch/think about it, it's always with a sense of regret that the SteadyCam was not yet invented when Resnais shot it.

8-year olds, Dude.

Hey Wu? Isn't this guy supposed to be rich?

So is Anubis no longer a possibility?

Good catch. This intrigues me.

Agree, Tristiac. On second thought, Bram (is that his name?) did have a very Richard-like vibe when he was urging Miles to come on over to good side.

Statue Lies
Theories on whose 'side' the big guy, who is now on the Island with Ilana, is on? I'm leaning towards a whole other group, as suggested by Noel, that is unrelated to Dharma, Widmore, Ben, and the Others. Still wondering about a connection to Eloise Hawking, though.

Agree, MTS.