
Box Cars…


The Joaquin Phoenix: The Bearded Donkey

I don't normally do this, but….it's fiery AIDScarcinoma for you…

Tobias…thanks for the review…especially the Neil Young music cue…outside of the scenes of Galoup in France, that is my favorite sequence from this movie…

French Foriegn Legion…
who knew they were so footloose…


Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon is well worth your time…if only as a satire of the genre…I can understand why ZMF no likee…too much irony in the OWNAGE…

Requiem for a Dream: The Musical…music by Clint Mansell…book by Tim Burton…

I must be an odd bird…because for me Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby are where the wheels started to fall off for U2…then again, I'm kinda fond of Pop…

Seconds on the Blue Dress vote…I love that song…and my wife loves that I love that song…

If you're going to start with a box set, go with Love, God, Murder…it's thorough…covering the major phases of Cash's career…and leaves out some of the chaff…Bonanza, I'm looking at you…

Once Were Warriors…
may be too melodramatic for this list…but it nailed the feast or famine nature of living on the edge of poverty…

Wow Banned, you're really asking for it…especially here…I can't say much, I just started season 1 and I'm enjoying it so far…

Substitute Isabel Allende and Alice Walker and the point remains the same…dig your link to the DFW piece though…

Mailer, Cheever, Roth, Wolfe, Kerouac, Bukowski, Ginsburg…that's an awfully large lump you've got there Jim…a list of formidable 20th century women writers who are equally narcissistic could just a well be made…here's another list of writers who have obsessed about sex to varying degrees of unsexyness…

Ah yes, The Wall…if I could know for sure whether my ardor for that movie is pure…or chemically induced…that would clear up a lot…

getting drunk?…catch up little tomato…

fail for missing the o…

is the first thing that springs to mind…