
That's fine…I always liked using "hot garbage" instead.

I wish I could up vote this a million more times.

Sorry, that's a low bar to qualify for hopeful and uplifting…but hey, don't let me piss in your corn flakes. Find your joy wherever you can.

For a hot second, when I thought I could be a DJ, I would test a room with something from "Hypermodern Jazz 2000"…only to end up clearing a room. I was not a good DJ…

This was cracking good! (did I do that right?) While San Junipero was my favorite ep of the season, this is probably the best. I would watch an entire season of this.

I'm with you. That might be most people's idea of hell…burned out slums, crowded squats, rampant poverty…

Something else to brighten what's left of 2016!

The fun really begins when you fall into the Alec Empire rabbit hole… His solo work is, um, fascinating. At least for me.

This is how I learned about Atari Teenage Riot. I really enjoy Atari Teenage Riot.

I haven't seen this elsewhere, so I'll ask: What time period would you choose?

I'm with you. You have to really be looking for the silver lining to that episode.

I thought Netflix did partner with the BBC…Re: The Fall, Happy Valley, Top of the Lake, etc…

Man, I loved this episode. When it started revealing that this was where people could choose to go after dying I leapt off the couch. Without hesitation, I would do this. When the time comes, that is…

Sorry, not buying it. That's an awful lot of verbal gymnastics to reach that conclusion.

Maybe I missed something, but I don't see how two people hurling insults at each other is hopeful or uplifting. I thought this episode was a nightmare from top to bottom. In a good way.

I had no idea that this happened… Does that mean I'm out of the loop, or does it mean I have a real life?

Let's just try to enjoy his work right now…

Our Wii gets fired up every couple of months. She plays games on her tablet everyday. I haven't introduced her to Mario Kart yet, so, we'll see…

I am easily the most casual of "Casual Gamers" but this looks ideal for me. Depending on the specs and capabilities of the tablet, this would be the next step up for LittlePaperJohnson.

I saw it…I would be surprised if it's more than 30 frames. It's certainly less than 3 seconds. That could be anybody shooting. What's missing is all of the great dialog. Ford has all the best lines in that movie. You'd think they'd use one of them.