
I can't speak to Mr. Bale's mindset…or his sense of ego…I don't know him…there was also a commentor above who linked to someone who worked with Mr. Bale and came away with a favorable impression of him as decent and "down to earth"…I think this is it…

@ wammer…

a few doses of reality…

I'm going to say it…

Yes, if any of us behaved that way at work, we'd be properly fired…but then again, how many of us have $100+ million franchises resting on our shoulders?

It's really simple. I like the visceral jolt of being frightened. It's the same reason why I love roller coasters. There is a clear difference between a good horror movie…more psychological, successfully shifting in unexpected directions…and a bad one…slaughter for the sake of body count, predictability.

I'm willing to give Elvis a pass because he did acknowledge that he was doing black folk's music. And by your way of thinking, every white boy who picked up a guitar or laid his hands on the wheels of steel is nothing more than a thief and a hack. I think DJ Shadow and Eric Clapton might have something to say about

I didn't realize I had any sacred cows…
until I read this article and the ensuing comments. Now I have a growing list, starting with:

There is so much fail going on here…I don't know where to begin…

I enjoy what you did there Eel. Whoever it is that hands out internet points should be sure to award you triple points for the 3 in-one.

Never to be seen on AVC…The Unit…
The best show on television that the cool kids are not talking about. Which is too bad, because now that the show has jumped the shark you're missing out on getting all snarky on it.

Thanks lot's Hablo!. "Eaten by the Monster of Love" is all I really knew from Sparks. (yes, that song from Ridgmont High) This is why I dig the AVClub.

I wouldn't call Zellweger's character a slut…It's like Virgil Cole says, "She just needs to be with whoever the big dog is." (or something to that effect.)

For all the haters…Three words…Black Snake Moan…
This movie has Sam Jackson giving a pre-Pulp Fiction quality performance. Plus, c'mon a sexy Christine Ricci…she really helps make Craig Brewer's preachy sermon go down easy.

One of my favorite movies of 2008. It's too bad the movie pivots on Renee Zellweger's character. While she does some good work here, no pinching, twitchy, face pulling, she just doesn't have the chops to carry her scenes with Mortensen and Harris. I may still buy this one just to find out if Harris gives

Jumping on the hate train…not really…more like bored train. Tenacious D did the comedy + music = Brilliant! thing over a decade ago. Maybe I haven't seen enough of this show…no, I have seen enough.

no complaints…
yet. There are a few glitches that I'm sure someone will figure out. For example, the back button takes you back to page 1 as opposed to page 2. Small issue but it can become an annoyance if not addressed. I will wait and see…but I think it's reasonable to expect them to get things ironed out by the end

What I learned today on the AV club…
I like that most of our hosts have actual lives and don't obsess too much over the next thing that's going to fall out of the gaping maw of the entertainment industrial complex.

life's too short to waste on these things…
anything Harry Potter related
and after seeing five minutes of Always Sunny in Philadelphia…I realized i was right to avoid it.

hmm… Suppose maybe Tina Fey is trying to avoid Liz Lemon, and by extension, her public persona, becoming the sex tart that some fucktards want her to become?