Val Kilmer in Real Genius

i didn't

Grantland suxxx. I like (well, hm. still? yeah, sure. i still like) the AV Club, I like their attitude/taste in pop culture/entertainment, I'd like to see that applied to sports. That's not what this was.

Lol, if you thought that was funny and well thought out (!) then we're reading different articles. But my main objection is the affected eye-rolling. It's football viewed from the perspective of a pop-culture nerd who thinks that football is an inferior form of entertainment for neanderthals.

Yeah, and the whole explanation of why "keep Peyton Manning off the field" is a dumb way of talking for dumb-dumbs.

Seriously, I probably would actually like to read a football column that came at things from a more pop culture/entertainment bent, talking about the broadcast itself as much as the game. But ugh, this was written with a tone of "I'm sorry to be talking about the sport played by the guys who gave you swirlies in

Please don't write about sports if you're going to write about them like this.

I know this thread's gone cold, but for what it's worth:

I know this thread's gone cold, but for what it's worth:

Jesus, seriously? This is NOT an issue of artistic freedom or Kickstarter accountability. This is fundamentally a LABOR issue. Tasha, the reason that Tubthumping was a fun lark nobody should be upset about is that you guys aren't professional musicians whose ability to make a living is contingent on people

Jesus, seriously? This is NOT an issue of artistic freedom or Kickstarter accountability. This is fundamentally a LABOR issue. Tasha, the reason that Tubthumping was a fun lark nobody should be upset about is that you guys aren't professional musicians whose ability to make a living is contingent on people