Jay Castle

DunderMiffed, we have at least one instance of Don telling Betty he loves her: the night when she comes to him in white, after being humiliated by the way he played her re:Heineken. "You never say you love me," she says. "Of course I do," he replies. "I say it all the time. I love you, and the children. I don't want

"Maybe what Don is looking for is someone who does accept Dick and not Don. "

Anonasaurus, I agree. It felt honest, painful, and strangely *respectful*.

Here We Are
I think we've been building up to this episode all season. Maybe even all series.

Harry was completely inept in this episode. It wasn't ever a question of him throwing his weight around. He had an opportunity to defuse a delicate and confusing situation, and he did nothing. Sal's firing is Harry's fault as much as it is Don's. Maybe more.


Winnebago Man, you hate Pete but don't think he raped the au pair. I like Pete (faults and all) and I DO think he raped her. And I do think she was, for all intents and purposes, powerless (we can discuss rape-is-about-power vs rape-is-about-sex another time). A young, foreign girl in the city for the summer making