The CancerAIDS Fairy

That look was the highlight of the episode by far. Well, that and the look she gave him when he talked about threesomes.

Assistant office manager of an executive office suite (basically, receptionist).

It's pretty brutal, yes.

I have a tendency to wear khaki work pants and a black jacket in mid-March, although so far no one has noticed I was wearing black and tan on St. Patrick's Day unless I point it out to them.


I read this as SNL suggesting that SNL, itself, is a haven for prostitutes.

A tortuous porn movie. One where the plot seems to wind everywhere.


Not just AN Ellen McLain, but THE Ellen McLain.

It's awesome.

Do you not consider the people across the street from you to be your neighbors?

I once calculated that a band that came from China, that contained as great a percentage of the population of China as Sigur Ros does of Iceland, would need to have around 9,000 members.

That's what I always assumed.

What was so gooey about it?

Who's there?

Yeah, it made zero sense to me that she didn't talk to him on the subway. All that work, and just to throw away the opportunity?

Wegmans! Rochester has so little going for it that we will take pride in the randomest of things.

Canada High, home of the Fightin' Canadians?

Never go full maple.

I was SO PROUD of myself that I had heard of MuchMusic before this episode.