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Dalmation Sex Train Dot Tumblr Dot Com
What did St. Paul say about Matthew Lillard?
Listen, it's a WELL KNOWN fact that anyone who has drunk from the Holy Grail can survive a nuclear blast by hiding in a refrigerator.
failed 22ndsies.
Let us not sell girls short by implying otherwise.
Inside of anime it's too dark to read.
Did she grow up in Wilkes-Barre by any chance?
My dad spent almost his entire career in film emulsion R&D, and I once briefly worked in the factory at Kodak where they made paper emulsion (used for the developed photos). Every coworker of mine told me with glee, on my first day, that film-grade gelatin is several levels above food-grade gelatin.
Would it be morally acceptable to kill your son and then eat him?
You don't lose your idealism when your getting your education, you lose it within your first week or so on the job.
Well, Troy mentioned his wife, so either it's WAY in the future or it exists outside of Greendale time and space.
+1 for "I watch all sorts of historical documentaries, so I loved the first act". It was pretty much my favorite "concept" of all the concept episodes they have done (with D&D probably #2).
Yeah, that's pretty much why I plunked down $275 on a piece of paper . . .
Apparently he was married to Sophia Bush until he cheated on her with Paris Hilton or something, which if nothing else shows an astonishing lack of taste.
That's always been my rule of thumb.
Also, Seth Rogan thinks he's gay.
In my junior high school, we ate lunch at our desks.
Yeah, I just thought the guy was lazy and entitled or something.
Well, the Subway guy DID mention growing up in the Bay Area. I don't know if that makes it more or less likely that butt stuff was involved.