The CancerAIDS Fairy

Fair enough.

Well, whatever she said, the word "fail" was in there somewhere.

Something something darkest timeline.

Failed Wholesies!

"Chief" and "captain" are my go-tos.

I could make myself look like my avatar, but it would probably hurt.

The Busey is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!

I too am depressed. I have been diagnosed and everything.

Too soon!

"Everybody Must Get Smurfed."

I took a quiz on Facebook, and it told me that my patronus was some kind of weird Malaysian vampire.

I've seen the movie and I swear I don't remember what scene you're all talking about.

He wasn't the first black owner, but like the article says he was the black first owner.

Did you learn how to spell her name?

Were they at least consistently about Friday night?

I'm Peter Krause, and so's my wife.

Yes, that's mighty nice, Dawes?

Damage per second. It's all about lots of quick, relatively low yield individual attacks that add up, especially if you can add a lot of "bonus damage to individual attacks" buffs.

Well, this was an older class, I am sure it wasn't the first time they had to read poetry.

Well, English teachers in fiction, in general, aren't portrayed very accurately I think (not having ever been an English teacher). At least he wasn't going on and on about what a classic love story Romeo and Juliet is, like so many fictional English teachers I have seen.